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Figuring out what employers are looking in graduates may be tough. Here are some essential skills employers look for in graduates.

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4 Ways to Land Your First Job After Graduation

three women sitting around table using laptops

Okay, so you’re done with University and now you’re looking for a job. Figuring out what employers are looking for in graduates may be tough.

Here are some essential skills employers look for in graduates.

Be Adaptable

Adaptability means being flexible to respond effectively to new challenges at the workplace. This skill is valued by employers as adaptable employees remain confident in dealing with unexpected situations that may crop up at work.

child building an four boxes
selective focus photo of baby playing activity cube

Be Proactive

Employers value workers who are proactive simply because they get the job done. When faced with urgent tasks, a proactive employee will stay focused and not be overwhelmed by pressure. A proactive employee will have a strategy or plan to complete any given project or task at the workplace.


Be a Team Player

Remember group projects back in your university days? Well, that continues at the workplace. In fact, depending on your field it can involve a large number of people from different departments. Being a good team player involves good communication skills, staying flexible and keeping a positive attitude by supporting your team to achieve a common goal.


selective focus photo of baby playing activity cube
selective focus photo of baby playing activity cube

Be a Problem-Solver

Employers prefer employees with good problem-solving skills as it displays a range of other essential skills such as resilience, creativity and logic in dealing with common issues at work. Problem-solving skills is important at the workplace not only to resolve issues but more importantly, to address risks and seize the opportunity to find innovative ways to improve the overall performance of the company.


Above all, maintain a positive attitude and be open to learn new skills. Put in the extra effort to get the job done and always stay humble!


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Essential Skills You Need In A Post-Covid 19 World https://www.schlobal.com/advisor/essential-skills-you-need-in-a-post-covid-19-world/ Tue, 29 Mar 2022 14:38:22 +0000 https://schlobal.com/?post_type=shorthand_story&p=15474 The world as we knew it has changed for good. Where we once found ourselves in crowded restaurants and cafes, social distancing is the now norm with no more than two persons to a table, separated by a meter’s distance!View...

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The world as we knew it has changed for good. Where we once found ourselves in crowded restaurants and cafes, social distancing is the now norm with no more than two persons to a table, separated by a meter’s distance!

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Essential Skills You Need In A Post-Covid 19 World

man in white and black checked dress shirt holding white printer paper

The world as we knew it has changed for good. Where we once found ourselves in crowded restaurants and cafes, social distancing is the now norm with no more than two persons to a table, separated by a meter’s distance! Where we once had meetings and briefings in conference and meeting rooms, we now find ourselves having these same meetings via Zoom, Microsoft teams, Webex and even Skype from home. Where once we were able to have face-to-face lectures and seminars with our lecturers, it’s now all done remotely, with each participant sitting in the relative comfort and safety of the home. So, how will the post-Covid-19 world look? How will we work and study? What will we need to stay relevant and seamlessly evolve to excel in this new normal?

There is a lot unknown about how the world will transform after we get Covid-19 under control. But, it is very unlikely that things will just go back to exactly the way they were before. Our workplaces are likely to change, and with it, the skills companies will require.

The following are skills that have been listed as the most essential by Forbes:

1. Adaptability and Tech Savviness

The ways companies operate and work are going to change. If you are going to succeed in a post-coronavirus world, you will need to be able to adapt to ever-evolving workplaces and have the ability to continuously update and refresh you skills.

One of the best ways to prepare yourself for a post Covid-19 job market is to acquire technology skills. The COVID-19 pandemic is fast-tracking digital transformations in companies as they are trying to become more resilient to future outbreaks and disruptions.

Skills like being able to work and meet on platforms like Zoom, Microsoft teams, Webex, Skype, etc. are now considered fundamental skills any candidate should have. Understanding some of these new technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, and robotics will provide candidates an edge in the post Covid-19 job market.

child building an four boxes
selective focus photo of baby playing activity cube

2. Creativity and Innovation

In a post-coronavirus world, we will need human ingenuity to invent and dream up new products and ways of working. Creativity and innovation during the pandemic has seen Mercedes F1 quickly shift from making racing cars to innovative breathing aids. We have also seen innovations by restaurants and cafes who quickly pivoted to home deliveries when their outlets had been closed. Human creativity is going to be essential.


3. Data Literacy and Digital Skills

Data is a critical asset for every company. With the right data, companies are able to better predict the impact of future business disruptions and are better able to serve customers with the right products and services during or after any pandemic. Companies that understand business trends and shifting customer needs are better able to respond in the right way. However, knowing how to interpret and use the data is the key to data literacy. Professionals with data literacy will be even more appealing to prospective employers than ever before.

People who can keep the digital business running and thriving during economic downturns or pandemics that make face-to-face business impossible, are going to be on the must-hire list. Basically, ALL companies are now digitally based in some way, so the opportunities to put digital skills to work are countless. These include digital skills like digital marketing, web development, coding.


selective focus photo of baby playing activity cube
selective focus photo of baby playing activity cube

4. Critical Thinking

People who can objectively evaluate information from diverse sources to determine what is credible will be valued. Critical thinking is a skill that will be essential as our global economy rebuilds from the damage done by Covid-19.

During the pandemic, we have seen a spike in fake news and misrepresentations of data and studies, as leaders, businesses, and governments are trying to shift blame and divert attention and proper scrutiny. Not all information should be trusted, but organizations will need to rely on critical thinking to understand what information should inform decision-making.


5. Leadership

In a world that is heavily supported by machines, where social distancing and home working might continue for the foreseeable future, more people at all levels of an organization must be in a position where they will be able to lead others. Professionals with strong skills in leadership, including how to bring out the best and motivate teams, as well as encourage collaboration, will be in demand.


selective focus photo of baby playing activity cube
selective focus photo of baby playing activity cube

6. Emotional Intelligence

Closely linked to leadership is another skill that is even more important in uncertain and challenging times: Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

EQ is the ability to be aware of, express, and control our emotions and be aware of others’ emotions. At times when people might feel uncertain about their job and the future of their business, it is crucial to be able to connect with people on an emotional level. Individuals with strong EQ will be coveted by organizations of all sizes and in all industries.


7. Commitment to Lifelong Learning

In just five years, 35 per cent of the skills deemed essential today will change. There is only one way to remain relevant in a post-coronavirus reality: commit to a lifetime of learning.

When faced with a tight job market, professionals with advanced and expert job skills will still be in demand and likely struggle less to find employment. The good news is that improving your skills has never been easier. There are endless free and open online courses available that will help you improve your skills.

Just search for the skills you want to develop on platforms such as CourseraedXUdacityFutureLearn, or iversity.

All said and done, those who commit to evolve and transform during this global pandemic, will be the most equipped to seize the new opportunities in the post Covid-19 world!

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Unique Careers for Millennials https://www.schlobal.com/advisor/unique-careers-for-millennials/ Tue, 29 Mar 2022 11:51:12 +0000 https://schlobal.com/?post_type=shorthand_story&p=15440 Studies have shown that most millennials are changing the workforce and how it operates. Read about some unique career options of interest to millenials. View the story Unique Careers for Millennials You’ve probably heard the term “millenials” thrown around dozens...

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Studies have shown that most millennials are changing the workforce and how it operates. Read about some unique career options of interest to millenials.

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Unique Careers for Millennials

three people sitting in front of table laughing together

You’ve probably heard the term “millenials” thrown around dozens of times, normally to describe yourself and friends/co-workers/acquaintances in a specific age group. Fun Fact: The term ‘millennial’ is used to refer to anyone born from 1981 to 1996, who make up the majority of the current workforce.

While the millennial group, like everyone else, would enjoy being gainfully employed, studies have shown that most millennials are changing the workforce and how it operates; and that includes the kind of job scopes considered.

In this article, we explore some unique career options of interest to millennials.

1. Advertising Executive

You know those ads that you see almost everywhere? The highway, the cinema, while scrolling through social media? Well, meet the folks behind them – advertising executives. These individuals supervise the production of ad campaigns, and develop plans to increase sales for their clients business. They generally serve as liaisons between clients and their agency and deciding the core message of a campaign. This is a huge responsibility, given that these ads often represent the public perception of a company’s brand and core company values!

As an advertising executive, you would be working closely with multiple departments, such as the creative team, marketing team, etc. This has multiple benefits, as you will be able to understand the business as best as you possibly can and also carry out your job effectively (after all, teamwork is a great efficiency booster!).

men sitting in front of their laptop computer
turned-on laptop computer

2. Social Media Management

Social media management is the process of managing your online presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. How is this done? By creating, publishing, and analysing content you post. In addition, social media management includes engaging and interacting with social media users.

Given its cost-effective and high-reach nature, social media is now one of the more popular tools for advertising for businesses. After all, haven’t we all seen online ads for various outlet stores and apps while scrolling through Instagram or Twitter? Social Media management enables these businesses to come up with an effective marketing strategy, while driving business goals and reaching out to a larger market, thereby hooking potential customers. With the rapid development of the Digital Economy, social media clearly plays a major role in the success of a business.

3. Production Assistant

Production assistants (or PA’s) work in film or television production. The position may be based in an office or even directly on the set. PA’s are sort of all-in-one’s – the role has no set tasks as they vary from project to project. As a PA, you’d have to handle just about anything and everything, from getting coffee to making script copies to shuttling crew or equipment around town as and when necessary. PA’s may work in a production company’s office doing clerical duties or on the set, assisting any of a number of departments. Your main role is to ensure that production runs as smoothly and as problem-free as possible. Get ahead in this field with field knowledge (such as technical terms), strong communication and technology-based skills and have some people skills. No doubt, the relevant training comes in handy to ease your way into the job!

4. Ethical Hacker

Ethical Hackers are IT (Information Technology) professionals who are hired to hack into company security and network systems, but it’s for a good reason! Ethical hackers, in hacking into these systems, are responsible for figuring out weaknesses in a company’s IT systems. They are also in charge of averting any malicious hackers from accessing said systems.

Protecting private data is now one of the most critical survival methods for a business. Consequently, ethical hackers are now highly in demand to shield organisations from unethical and malicious attacks and attackers.

5. Software Developers and Programmers

Software developers are the brains behind the apps and computer programmes we use on a daily basis. That budgeting programme you’ve been using to keep track of your spending, the messaging app you use to contact friends and family around the world, the computer programmes you use for assignments and work – you can thank software developers for each and every one of them!

Some software developers may focus on a specific programme or app while others create giant networks or underlying systems that help trigger and power other programmes. They are also responsible for maintaining current systems and performing further upgrades, collaborating with other developers, UX designers, etc and training users.

laptop computer turn on

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Essential Social Media Skills Employers Value https://www.schlobal.com/advisor/essential-social-media-skills-employers-value/ Fri, 25 Mar 2022 04:12:46 +0000 https://schlobal.com/?post_type=shorthand_story&p=15382 View the story Essential Social Media Skills Employers Value Once upon a time, even the mere thought of ‘social media’ as a thing would have been a foreign concept. And social media skills? Most probably completely unheard of. Fast forward...

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Essential Social Media Skills Employers Value

silver Android smartphone

Once upon a time, even the mere thought of ‘social media’ as a thing would have been a foreign concept. And social media skills? Most probably completely unheard of.

Fast forward to the 21st century and the current employment market however, and it’s clear that social media skills are highly valued by employers as we move on to a world which is more digitised.

The truth is, whether or not you choose to pursue a social-media related career, it still plays a pretty major role in your life- and, by extension your work. Mastering social media skills will play an important role in determining your prospects of getting hired.

white samsung android smartphone on brown wooden table
girl wearing grey long-sleeved shirt using MacBook Pro on brown wooden table

1. Writing

Depending on the platform, writing is one of the basic skills relevant to social media.

Whether it’s writing captions or writing an article, if you can tell an engaging story, you have succeeded in putting a message across in a clear and concise manner, thus raising brand awareness.


If you are keen on picking up a brand new skill, why not consider digital design? (And if you’re wondering how useful that particular skill is- consider how popular aesthetic instagram feeds are!)

And if you don’t have a background in you can learn how to use programmes such as Adobe Illustrator. There are plenty of free tutorials over the Internet to teach you how to use these tools. You could even start off by sketching, then scanning it on your computer and making the final touches via the software. An added bonus would be to spend time viewing other designer’s works for inspiration.

silver iMac displaying color gradient
black and gray corded microphone

Public Speaking

Although this soft skill may appear to be unrelated to social media, it definitely comes in handy when you need to be in front of a camera for either a live video or a pre-recorded one for a social media post. If you’re feeling nervous, a simple tip is to practise in front of the mirror, this way you can correct your body language and tone of voice as you speak and perfect your presentation and public speaking skills.


This skill encompasses what social media skills is all about. To cultivate creative skills, you can watch videos on YouTube of a specific genre (e.g. Vlogs) and notice how each content creator makes it different. Get on Pinterest and look for different categories of abstract art. There are many sources for you to get inspired if you know where to look for them. A good starting point is none other than your own social media accounts – get creative by experimenting with the use of hashtags, different filters, etc. to get noticed.

multicolored hand paint

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