Effective as of May 9th, 2022
  • Schlobal values your privacy and adheres to the regulations stipulated in the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. This Privacy Policy Notice outlines the collection, usage, and disclosure of personal information ("Personal Data") from visitors, students, users, partners, associates, and affiliates. By accessing our website, you agree to the terms outlined herein.
  • 1. Collection of Personal Data
  • Schlobal collects Personal Data from various sources, including but not limited to visitors, students, and affiliates. This information may include names, contact details, addresses, social media handles, and other relevant identification information.
  • 2. Consent and Information Collection
  • The collection of Personal Data occurs when individuals voluntarily submit information during course registration, event participation, or interactions with Schlobal. By providing this information, individuals consent to the processing, storage, and dissemination of their Personal Data as per this Privacy Policy Notice.
  • 3. Types of Information Collected
  • The information collected may include personal details, transaction records, preferences, communication choices, and IP addresses of website visitors, among others.
  • 4. Purpose of Collecting Personal Data
  • Schlobal collects Personal Data to facilitate communication, academic matters, administrative processes, marketing strategies, and statistical analysis for reports and events. Additionally, it is used for website operation, analysis, security, and compliance with applicable laws.
  • 5. Cookies
  • Cookies are utilized to enhance website functionality by storing minimal information related to visitors' browsing activity. By using our website, visitors are deemed to accept this Privacy Policy Notice.
  • 6. Opt-Out Procedure
  • Individuals who do not wish to receive future communications such as promotions, surveys, or marketing materials from Schlobal or its affiliates may opt-out. They can unsubscribe via the provided email or postal address.
  • 7. Cookies Clarification
  • Cookies do not collect personal identification information and are employed solely to improve user experience and website functionality.